segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013

Passeio saindo Rick Case

 Sunday, June 9, 2013

Go for a great Sunday ride, leaving from Rick Case Powerhouse @ 9:00AM. ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! Arive with a full tank of gas and ready to ride. Before we head out enjoy complimentary Coffee and Pasteries. Kick stands up at 9AM and we will head towards Clewiston. From there off to LaBelle for lunch at Vicky's Lunch Box. Make sure you try the Chocolate Lasagne!!! From there we will head across the reservation and then we will head south on Alligator Alley to make our way homeward towards the dealership. There will be some Great Give Aways when we return!! 

15701 Rick Case Honda Way, Davie, Florida 33331

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